

I love sharing Jesus with those who are excited to learn and grow. If this sounds like you, we need to connect.

I have been speaking at churches, prophecy conferences, and other events.

Here are several ways you can invite me to connect with those in your area. I have arranged these in order of ease, from easiest to more commitment involved:

  1. Book me for a Skype event. If you are interested in booking me for a Skype event, please call me at 949-887-1511, email me at prophecyinvestigators@gmail.com or troyanderson.writer@gmail.com, or take a few minutes to fill out the form below
  2. Book me for a church service, conference, or college chapel service.  This is the easiest travel-and-speak event to book me for, as there is a built-in audience that we can all count on, and there is little extra preparation on your part. If you are interested in booking me for a church, conference, college chapel service or other event, please call me at 949-887-1511 or email me at prophecyinvestigators@gmail.com or troyanderson.writer@gmail.com.
  3. Book me for a special event that is already happening.  Book me for a special event that is already happening. I sometimes serve as a keynote speaker at a conference or at a fundraising banquet for a ministry or non-profit organization. If you are interested in booking me for a special event, please call me 949-887-1511 or email me at prophecyinvestigators@gmail.com or troyanderson.writer@gmail.com.
  4. Book me for an event that you will create and host just for my visit. This is the most challenging way to have me speak. Under this scenario, you are responsible for securing a location, conducting all marketing efforts, etc. Candidly, I don’t do many of these, because it’s just too challenging for the host. Before going this route, consider asking your church if they would like to host me for an event. If you still feel that you can coordinate an event on your own and you want to tell me more about it, please call me at 949-887-1511 or email me at prophecyinvestigators@gmail.com or troyanderson.writer@gmail.com.

If you have another type of event in mind, something that I haven’t mentioned here, there’s room on the speaking form to explain more about it. Simply fill out the form and add your specifics in the details section. I would love to hear from you. You can call me (Prophecy Investigators Founder and Editor-in-Chief Troy Anderson) directly at 949-887-1511 or email me at troyanderson.writer@gmail.com or prophecyinvestigators@gmail.com.

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.