The Secret Truth Behind the Law of Attraction

By now, most everyone from 9 to 90 has heard about Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book, The Secret, an introduction and somewhat how to guide on navigating the “Law of Attraction” to attain anything from a promotion at work to a million-dollar mansion, a perfect body, even your dream companion, simply by believing it.

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Is Genesis History or Myth?

Since the Enlightenment 250 years ago, Bible believers have looked for a way to believe the Bible is true even while admitting these stories from Genesis 1-11 appear to be tall tales. Some surely think, “Aren’t the accounts of Genesis 1-11 just too fantastic to believe?” The challenges of science – astronomy, anthropology, Darwinian biology, and more recently archeology – have tested the Bible as the knowledge most people rely on. So, can we find a way to put the history question aside and still believe the Bible is true?

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The Return

Many are coming together for a global movement within the church (“The Return: National and Global Day and Movement of Prayer and Repentance”) of repentance as the body of Christ is answering the obedient call to humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, believing that as they repent and turn, God’s response will be to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.

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