CBN News: Preparing for End Times
Armageddon ahead? Signs of the End Times? Here’s how you can get ready for a challenging future.
Watch Prophecy Investigators Founder and Editor-in-Chief Troy Anderson’s interview on CBN News with host Gary Lane regarding he and U.S. Army Chaplain and Colonel David Giammona’s new #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times.
Watch the CBN News interview on YouTube.
Biden in White House, Democrats control Congress. Ready for Great Reset? Preparing for the return. Closer to End Times? Watch the longer version of CBN News’ Global Lane with host Gary Lane on YouTube.
Shortly after its release on January 5, The Military Guide to Armageddon became the #1 “Best Seller” in “Christian Spiritual Warfare” and “Christian Eschatology” and the #2 “Best Seller” in “Christian Inspirational” on Amazon. It hit #129 out of Amazon’s 33 million books. It’s also the #1 “Hot New Release” in “Christian Eschatology” and “Christian Spiritual Warfare.” The Kindle version is the #1 “Hot New Release” in “Theological Eschatology.”
The book is available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble,, Audible, Walmart, Target, Baker Book House, Hudson Booksellers, Books-A-Million, Parable and most anywhere books are sold. It’s available in multiple formats and languages worldwide. Find out more at and
The Military Guide to Armageddon is an inspirational and compelling book for the new year that will teach you and your family how to navigate unfolding biblical end-times events, walk in the supernatural power, protection and provision of the Holy Spirit, and become end-times warriors of God – spreading the hope and love of Jesus Christ to a confused and frightened world.
It includes a chapter on “Prepping for the End Times” to help you get your family ready for any number of catastrophes.
Join the “Lord God of Armies” during the most exciting time in history for the greatest mission God has ever given us – helping to usher in the great, end-times harvest. In the years ahead, some experts estimate over 1 billion people will give their lives to Jesus as it becomes clear to many that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is fast approaching.

Read the article in The Stream: “The Military Guide to Armageddon: Surviving the Coming Turbulence” – Sign up for our free newsletters at,, and |

BATTLE READY MINISTRIES CONFERENCES Col. Giammona and Anderson, along with a Major General, another Colonel, the Assistant to the President at Movieguide, a former Oracle and Microsoft executive, and several pastors recently launched Battle Ready Ministries to help prepare the Church for the end times. In recent years, the Church has been dedicated to making converts, but not disciples trained and ready for spiritual combat. Many today are talking of revival, but we cannot have revival, where there is much excitement and power, without the training needed to make Christ-followers and warriors fit for the last days. God, by His Holy Spirit, is calling us to make warriors, not spectators. Join us in the worldwide revolution that, in these end times, will fight the powers of darkness, win the many, and enlist disciples as warriors for our Messiah. Find out more, and schedule a Battle Ready Ministries’ conference at your church, camp, retreat or venue (virtual or in-person), at |