“The Bible Says, ‘Wake Up!'”
“You two are preparing God’s people for battle. There is a spiritual battle ahead. Talk about the spiritual battle ahead because many people are sleeping, and the Bible says wake up!”
– Rabbi Jonathan Bernis in remarks on Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis as he interviewed Col. David Giammona and Prophecy Investigators Founder and Editor in Chief Troy Anderson about unfolding biblical prophecies and their bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon.
Watch the interview on Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1GjeGzP5SI&t=1255s.
Discover more in their #1 bestseller The Military Guide to Armageddon: Battle-Tested Strategies to Prepare Your Life and Soul for the End Times (Chosen Books/Baker Publishing Group) at https://www.amazon.com/Military-Guide-Armageddon-Battle-Tested-Strategies/dp/0800761944, www.troyanderson.us and www.davidjgiammona.com.
The book has become a #1 “Best Seller” in several categories on Amazon since its release January 5 and landed at #129 out of 33 million books on Amazon and #150 on Barnes & Noble.

Battle Ready Ministries
Col. Giammona and Anderson spoke in April at Battle Ready Ministries (www.battle-ready.org) conferences at several churches in Northern California, including Thrive Church in Elk Grove, Horizon Church in West Sacramento, and Crosspointe Church in Sanger.
They were amazed at the response, with most of the congregations coming forward to dedicate their lives to Jesus as “Battle Ready” warriors of God, moving to a new level of spiritual warfare following biblical and military principles and prepared to counter the darkness of approaching end-times forces.
If your church, Christian retreat or camp, or venue is interested in the team coming to speak at a Battle Ready Ministries “Spiritual Boot Camp,” Anderson can set up a call with Col. Giammona. Email Anderson at troyanderson.writer@gmail.com, battle-ready.org@gmail.com or troya@battlereadyusa.com, or call him at 949-887-1511.
Sign up for the free Battle Ready Ministries newsletter at www.battle-ready.org to receive updates on upcoming conferences, books, study guides, DVDs of Battle Ready conferences, films, media appearances, etc.
If you believe the Lord is touching your heart to support Battle Ready Ministries, please go to https://battle-ready.org/give or mail a check to:
Battle Ready Ministries
14271 Jeffrey Road, #257
Irvine, CA 92620
Donations are tax deductible.
May the Lord bless you abundantly for your faithfulness!
Troy Anderson
Vice President / COO
Battle Ready Ministries
Irvine, CA
Top drawer conference! The best conference to fire up your church. We had the Battle Ready staff come to Crosspointe Church in Sanger, CA and almost our entire congregation came forward for a fresh walk with Jesus Christ. Call them.