The New Age/Spirituality Business
By Darian Roberts
The world is searching for answers, purpose, meaning, identity, healing and wholeness through more deceptive spiritual concepts than ever before; thus, becoming big business for anyone to enter the market.
In other words, the business of pseudoscience and New Age healing is unreliable and unregulated for people with real problems and diseases that they need proven and effective treatments for.
Energy healers promote a convoluted labyrinth of junk science, drug-induced hallucinations and altered states of consciousness, complete with light beings, blessings from the archangels, and channeled alien saviors (demons) they claim to get their power from.
Thanks to ad nauseam marketing on social media, the old witches’ brew of mystical Kool-Aid tastes worse than ever to those of us with discernment.
Not surprising, they’ve resorted to their usual grasping at straws routine of trying to connect the Bible and Jesus to further capitalize on their divination. Let’s see how easily this house of cards is dismantled when actual experts and facts are stacked on top of it.
Mysticism, Miracles and Mind Control

We’ve all seen the rapid increase in New Age practices, gadgets, media and a new Christ Consciousness guru being heavily pushed everywhere we look nowadays. From enlightened this and magick that to online yoga classes and mindfulness meditation, advertisers are conditioning the world to accept the Antichrist.
You can’t even log on to the internet or watch YouTube without being bombarded with non-stop ads from opposing religions on Christian channels.

The persistent mind control and predictive programming flooding the planet is not because people need to wake up to what’s happening, as New Agers blindly put it, whilst being in a coma of utter delusion themselves; it’s rather the new paradigm of brainwashing, conscience searing and demonic oppression disguised as love for the end times.
Ironically enough, the Bible they discredit, predicted exactly this.
Money Talks

Naturally, it’s a multi-billion-dollar industry that millions of people are capitalizing on by misleading others or being abused by it themselves.
At no other time in history have we witnessed so much self-help, self-absorption, self-centeredness, self-love, and self-worship at such elevated and narcissistic levels, all done in the name of God and love. Which God?
The “man is God” crowd has convinced people that there’s no sin, to follow in the footsteps of Satanist Aleister Crowley and to, “Do as thou wilt.”
That includes brainwashing themselves to believe their own lies. The problem is, these techniques and products only produce minimal results in a tiny percentage of people.
Like a drug, they’re designed to keep you running back for more and dishing out money. These things become obsessions, not cures.
If the devil can convince people that the Bible is not the Word of God, not the truth and open to blind interpretation, he can get them to look to things that are against the Bible for answers, and that’s exactly what’s happening.
The Bible says people perish for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), but Satan is doing a bang-up job of convincing us that the Bible is not the ultimate authority.

Maybe it’s not to some people, but they certainly use it when it’s convenient.
Rather than professionals with certifications and degrees from accredited universities that must adhere to the board of regents, among other bodies, for course requirements, scrutiny and responsibility, we have the usual suspects touting their weekly, and even weekend certification courses – spewing their metaphysical wares through info-bombing and outlandish retreats costing thousands of dollars to attend.
These “educational” and “healing” retreats seldom have real medical experts at them. Most people go into the New Age with a sound mind and are told to lose it; that’s exactly what happens! They can’t hear the Holy Spirit or feel conviction about their actions because they’re trained by Antichrist religious principles to silence that voice!
Progression or Regression?
In some cases, promises of healing and advancement spiritually are claimed when very little progress occurs.
In fact, after the temporary calming and euphoria wear off, being confused, exhausted, anxious, regressing mentally, psychosis, sleep deprivation, and thoughts of suicide are reported by people in the occult.
The so-called experts are getting rich selling things that are no more effective than sea-monkeys and pet rocks, yet crystals, magnetic earth mats, guided meditation videos, grounding shoes, chakra balancing techniques, hypnotherapists, yoga instructors and psychics are raking in the dough.
These treatments mostly stem from Eastern religions, witchcraft and the occult overall; therefore, there is an idol or spirit attached to them, which is counterproductive for anyone trying to get healing from the Holy Spirit.
It’s classic “hamster on a wheel” control. The more these sick people run back for healing and answers, the sicker they become because of the spirits their bodies have allowed inside.
Consider the Source

Secret knowledge from ancient mysteries seems to be the biggest buzz phrase in the mystic circles, but what kind of knowledge, and where are they getting these so-called top secrets that make their transparent egos feel so special? Let’s get into that…
– YouTube videos by random, no-name people with zero credentials or proof of their claims, hoping the use of the words “quantum” and “consciousness” will have thousands of naive subjects salivating over unproven, unsubstantiated idiocy. It is indeed working.
– Channeled material, supposedly from dead celebrities, ascended master angels, and so-called spiritual space brothers (all demonic), here to help save the planet by manipulating DNA and making our carbon cells crystalline so we can ascend to a 5th dimension timeline.
– False claims and spiritual counseling from people with delusions of grandeur. Few are qualified to be mixing religion with medical treatments but employ the art of bamboozling to promote a spiritual correlation.
– Finally, my absolute favorite — people claiming insider information from the infamous machine elves after a psychedelic journey through time whilst on DMT, which they conveniently named the Spirit Molecule.
Yes folks, those are the trusted sources that New Agers are worshipping.
Most of these people believe in reincarnation and various Hindu and Buddhist concepts.
If your faith is against those things, why would you even consider these people for your healing? Why would you let them counsel you, teach your children, or support what they’re promoting?
You’re essentially putting your mind and soul in their hands, not just your body. You might want to seek a second opinion, preferably from the Word of God.
Antichrist Religions Behind New Age Healing

Reiki – Reiki relies on energy and spirit guides to operate. It uses Ki energy much like the Hindus rely on Prana. New Agers believe energy and God are one and the same, but that’s a New Age source, not the monotheistic God of the Bible. God is not energy in Christianity. Former Reiki masters say calling on demons is the initiation into Reiki and renouncing them is the only way to escape. There’s no way to receive or perform Reiki without opening yourself up to the demonic realm. No scientific evidence supports healing with Reiki.
Hypnotherapy – Emptying the mind is the goal of hypnosis and allows the power of suggestion from the hypnotherapist. Much like transcendental meditation, this is not something Christians are advised to partake in. There’s a heavy emphasis on past lives which stems from the belief in reincarnation. Once your mind is empty, spirits can fill it with anything they want because you gave them permission. If there is no danger in hypnosis, why is there a need for protection prayers, much like Reiki, channeling and mediums?
Crystals – Crystals might as well be grains of cat litter for all they accomplish, which is nothing but a placebo effect. Again, we see the suggestion of energy supposedly flowing through the crystal to cure different ailments, but this isn’t proven. This is a spiritual belief, not a medical or scientific one. Studies have been conducted to show that people given rocks have the same results if they’re under the delusion that they were holding a crystal. Wicca and witchcraft rely heavily on crystals. No scientific evidence supports healing with crystals.
Earthing/Grounding – More so-called energy transfer with no scientific evidence. Mats and shoes are sold to supposedly aid in the absorption of minerals and energy. Although walking barefoot can relax a person and soak up a few things, the energy being worshipped is a pantheistic belief, not a medical or biblical one. Wicca, witchcraft and several other Antichrist religions practice grounding. No scientific evidence supports healing with grounding.
Yoga – Hindu origin which means to yoke with Hindu gods. Stretching is not the same thing, and yoga was never supposed to be classified as exercise. It’s designed specifically to prepare the body for entry into the spiritual realm and is goddess worship of Shakti and Kundalini. You cannot practice yoga without worshipping Hindu idols by default because each pose is a form of worship. No scientific evidence supports healing with yoga.
Eastern Meditation- Hindu and Buddhist practice again, though most all Antichrist religions practice it. Used to empty the mind and awaken the Kundalini, Serpent Spirit. No scientific evidence supports healing with meditation.
Mindfulness- Emptying the mind, opening yourself up to the spirit realm. Repeated mantras and guides are sometimes used. Practiced in most Antichrist religions. No scientific evidence supports healing with mindfulness.
Aromatherapy and Essential Oils – Aromatherapy first originated in the early 1900s when Rene Maurice Gattefosse invented the term from curiosity of how essential oils could benefit wounds. It relies on various scents from anything like incense, candles and potpourri to perfumes which the Greeks believed their gods had special knowledge of. No scientific evidence supports healing with aromatherapy.
Magnetic Therapy- Placebo effect, just like grounding; observed in paganism, pantheism, Wicca and witchcraft, but most any religion might observe. No scientific evidence supports healing with magnetic therapy.
The Smoking Gun
Peer reviewed journals, accurate data, and valid studies from verifiable sources are used for a reason: to provide verifiable, fact-based methodology, not speculation from people with a mentality that resorts to relativism when the proof of their claims just isn’t there.
New Agers misrepresent and use the Bible verse below as the basis for all self-worship and occult practices. The only problem is, they don’t know the Bible well enough to discern what it says.
Now, having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the Kingdom of God was coming, He (Jesus) answered them and said, “The Kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed; nor will they say, ‘Look, here it is!’ Or, ‘There it is!’ For behold, the Kingdom of God is in your midst (Luke 17:21-21).”
The phrase “The Kingdom of God is within you,” means among, within your grasp. It’s a choice to accept or reject; therefore, the Kingdom is within your reach as children of God granted freewill to choose and accept Jesus Christ as savior.
Jesus was addressing his enemies, had just finished defending his reputation, and was giving an account for how the Kingdom of God would manifest through his people. He was not telling unrepentant hypocrites that they were gods! It looks absurd just reading it, much less actually trying to pass off such ridiculous heresy as gospel.
He was trying to illustrate that the power and choice to repent and turn to the Kingdom of God who was in Jesus Christ who was right in front of them. The choice to see the truth of Jesus Christ standing before them was within them, not divinity without him!
First, salvation is a gift that cannot be earned through works; It most definitely cannot manifest through works practiced in Antichrist religions like New Agers want you to believe. Jesus never said a thing about spiritual progress within humans that exclude the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Will ‘Guide You into All Truth’

There is no inner wisdom waiting for discovery, as they love obsessing over. Jesus said, “when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, he will guide you into all truth (John 16:13).”
Absolutely nothing is said about doing occult practices to attain knowledge or eternal life just because we were born! The power of the Holy Spirit oversees our progress and sanctification, not us. We are simply given the power of choice through freewill.
Mystics and New Agers latch on to one small phrase, concept, hypothesis or theory and desperately try to connect these things with divinity. They’ve done the same with string theory, the double-slit experiment and the notion of right- and left- brain hemispheres having a correlation with intelligence, creativity or their favorite word – consciousness.

All these suggestions were debunked by physicists and scientists and have nothing to do with some unified field related to spirituality.
Next, if witchcraft, Hindu and Buddhist concepts such as enlightenment, and Kundalini Awakening were of grave significance to entering the Kingdom of God, the Bible would have certainly mentioned them flat out and true believers would have the discernment to see these things as necessary.
Alas, they’re not mentioned anywhere in the Bible with regards to progress because they are considered occult and divination, practiced by every Antichrist religion, including Satanism. The only mention of such things is labeled an abomination by God.
Make up your own mind and use discernment regarding these people and the Antichrist concepts they promote.
Are they really to advance your mind and soul, or to distort and control them? Are they really designed to heal you, or simply make you feel better to keep you coming back for more brain altering tactics?
Is love the real motivation, or is it just a smokescreen to hide the real agenda? Do they really worship the same God as you do, and if so, why do they discredit his son every chance they get?
Thousands of former New Agers have already answered these questions simply by repenting of the deception they promoted and choosing to run toward Jesus for salvation. If New Age mysticism was really about the same God that Christians worship, why are so many people finding Jesus after leaving these cults?
I rest my case.

Darian Roberts is the owner of A Taste of Eden Catering, the founder of Darkness Revealed (, and the author of Darkness Revealed: A Book Series Exposing the New Age Christ Consciousness. She has a Bachelor’s in Healthcare Administration from Nicholls State University in Thibodaux, Louisiana, and a Master’s in Business Administration from Herzing University in New Orleans. She spent 20 years immersed in the New Age movement and the occult and then gave her life to Jesus. Today, her mission is to expose the lies associated with the New Age movement.