This Could Guarantee Trump Victory In 2020
By Michael Snyder
The left has been salivating over the prospect of voting Donald Trump out of office in 2020, but now something has happened that could change everything.
Last Sunday, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz announced that he is “seriously considering running for president as a centrist independent.” If Schultz officially decides to run, and it looks like that is almost certainly going to happen, then a Trump victory in 2020 will become almost inevitable.
Unless something dramatic takes place, Trump is going to have the support of at least 40 to 45 percent of American voters in 2020. But the key was going to be finding that last 5 to 10 percent that he needed to push him over the top.
Unfortunately for Trump, he does not do well with moderate independent voters, and Democratic strategists were counting on those voters to help them beat Trump. But if a “centrist independent” like Schultz enters the race, he will inevitably steal a lot of those voters from the Democrats, and that is why the left is freaking out so much right now.
A Third Option- Howard Schultz

There is certainly room in the race for someone like Schultz. If faced with a choice between Donald Trump and a radical leftist such as Kamala Harris, many Americans would be open to a third option. And since Schultz is a billionaire, he could certainly provide the resources necessary to mount a serious independent bid.
But he would not have a prayer of actually winning. 40 percent of the country is going to vote Republican no matter what, and 40 percent of the country is going to vote Democrat no matter what. If things go well for Schultz he could end up with 10 percent of the vote, and if things go perfectly for Schultz he could end up with 20 percent of the vote.
And he is likely to take far more votes from the Democrats than from the Republicans because everyone knows that he was a lifelong Democrat. He was a big donor to top Democrats, and he voted Democrat his entire life.

So, a three-way race would be a dream come true for Trump. In such a scenario Trump may only receive 45 percent of the national vote, but Schultz could pull enough support away from the Democratic candidate to push Trump over the top.
If you are a Trump supporter, send Schultz a message on Twitter encouraging him to run, because it looks like it isn’t going to take too much encouragement to push him over the edge. In fact, it is being reported that he has already spent many months preparing an independent presidential campaign…
“Before announcing his presidential ambitions this week, former Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz secretly undertook a months-long effort to prepare an independent presidential campaign against the nation’s two-party political system, deploying more than six national polls and laying the groundwork for paid advertising that could debut in the next two months,” according to The Washington Post.
All that effort tells me that Howard Schultz is not just “thinking about it”. He really wants to do this, and that is extremely good news for Trump.
Reimagine the Promise of America

On Monday, Schultz released his brand-new book entitled “From the Ground Up: A Journey to Reimagine the Promise of America”, which is essentially his way of introducing himself as a presidential candidate to the American people. If you will remember, Barack Obama did the same thing when he first ran for president. Now Schultz is going on a book tour, and on this tour he will “test the appeal of his ideas”…
“An early advertising effort, made possible by Schultz’s net worth of about $3.4 billion, would be designed to help Schultz show early promise in national polls during his book tour, which he has described as a time to test the appeal of his ideas,” according to The Washington Post.
But if he is a lifelong Democrat, then why didn’t he just run as a Democrat?
Well, these days the Democratic Party has taken a radical turn to the left, and Schultz simply doesn’t agree with many of the socialist policy positions that they are currently espousing…
“But in 2019, he says he cannot in good conscience run as a Democrat. He is considering an independent run. “What the Democrats are proposing is something that is as false as the wall,” he says, indicating “free” health care, “free” college, and the entire litany of “free” things “which the country cannot afford.” He worries — oh, bless his pointy little head! — about the national debt, unfunded liabilities, and other examples of fiscal recklessness. He thinks that the Democrats’ current “liquidate the kulaks as a class” approach to taxes may prove counterproductive to the long-term interests of the United States as a whole. He worries that “extremists” have taken over both parties,” according to National Review.
And in this political environment, a moderate white billionaire would simply not have a prayer of winning the Democratic nomination.
So, if he wants to run for president, his only option is to do it as an independent, and the fact that he might do this is really stressing out those on the left. The New York Times just published an editorial entitled “Howard Schultz, Please Don’t Run for President”, and Henry Blodget is urging Schultz “to go home”…
“Unfortunately, right now, our political system is built around only two major parties,” Henry Blodget wrote. “The best way to defeat a candidate from one party is to vote for the candidate from the other. So, if you want to see President Trump fired in 2020, you should probably urge Howard Schultz to go home.”
And the media attacks on Schultz have already begun. For example, a Slate article is painting him as someone that was horrible to his employees…
“For one, during Schultz’s long tenure as CEO, Starbucks repeatedly fought against workers’ attempts to organize a union,” according to Slate. “In 2008, for example, a National Labor Relations Board judge found that the company had illegally fired three workers for their union activities, as well as violated other aspects of the law. Starbucks workers in our country still don’t have a union. Although the right wing has tried for years to paint unions as extreme, a recent Gallup poll showed that 62 percent of Americans approve of labor unions; similarly, an MIT survey found that most workers wanted a greater voice on the job, and that almost half would join a union if given the opportunity. Squelching union organizing efforts may be routine for companies, but it’s not where our country’s political center lies.
“Starbucks also pays its workers poverty wages. According to PayScale, an online salary information company, the average hourly rate for Starbucks employees is around $11 per hour. Baristas average $9.77 per hour, and wages don’t reach $15 per hour until a worker becomes a retail store manager ($17.44) or assistant manager ($15.17).”
If there is enough abuse from the left, it is still possible that Schultz could pull the plug on his campaign before it has even begun.
Trump 2020

But if you are a Trump supporter, you do not want that to happen, because having at least one viable third-party candidate is probably the key to Trump winning in 2020. So everyone needs to encourage Schultz to run, because we absolutely do not want a radical socialist like Kamala Harris in the White House.
This article originally appeared on The Economic Collapse Blog. Read it here:
Michael Snyder is a nationally-syndicated writer, media personality and political activist. He is the author of four books including Get Prepared Now, The Beginning of The End and Living A Life That Really Matters. His articles are originally published on The Economic Collapse Blog, End of The American Dream and The Most Important News. From there, his articles are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the nation. If you would like to republish his articles, please feel free to do so. The more people that see this information the better, and we need to wake more people up while there is still time. Learn more at