The Return
By Rev. Kevin Jessip
There is a tsunami of the Holy Spirit beginning to flow with its overwhelming fruit, with its evidence of dreams, visions, signs, wonders, miracles and all manner of spiritual gifts.
We are on the verge of the greatest move of God in all the ages. This outpouring will sweep multitudes into the kingdom of God as they are saved, healed and delivered.
Spiritual leaders from around the world are sensing this wave. This sovereign move of God is rising and through the power of the Holy Spirit there is a new unity which is being woven within the fabric of the body of Christ.
Many are coming together for a global movement within the church (“The Return: National and Global Day and Movement of Prayer and Repentance”) of repentance as the body of Christ is answering the obedient call to humble themselves, pray, and seek His face, believing that as they repent and turn, God’s response will be to hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land.
Their foundation is in their identity in Christ bought by His blood on Calvary’s cross and through the finished work of His sacrifice. Since the Spirit of God incarnated Immanuel and entered history from eternity in Jesus of Nazareth the receding tide was reversed. This was the beginning of the greatest outpouring since creation was birthed. As an earthquake at the bottom of the ocean produces a tsunami so the birth of Jesus the Messiah shook the very foundations of hell.

The Resurrection: An Earthquake that Swept the World
The earthquake caused by the incarnation, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus the Messiah swept through Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and into the uttermost parts of the earth through the first three centuries of the Common Era and as the Holy Spirit moves continually like the tides of the oceans and the wind which blows through our atmosphere ….we cannot see it but we certainly can see the effects of it! The Holy Spirits outpouring witnessed at Pentecost and thereafter is still at work almost two millennia later on the earth.
His power, signs, wonders, miracles and transforming Presence in the lives of believers continues to fill us with the fear of God and awe. God has never stopped setting captives free from the chains of sin and delivering many from evil spirits with the cleansing power of His blood.
He is still healing the sick and raising the dead, hallelujah! The moving power of the Holy Spirit and His gifts that were evidenced by the Apostles and the early church have continued uninterrupted throughout history within the body of Christ for centuries even into this present day.
The Greek word for opportunity as it appears in the Scriptures is Kairos. Scholars tell us it means “favorable opportunity”. Its derivatives imply “the right moment; that which lasts only for a while.”
Kairos means a God-given opportunity is being offered to mankind at a specific moment in time. However, the word also implies there is a risk-of faith. In other words, as time moves on, the opportunity can be missed.
The test for us as a people is to recognize it and respond in obedience to the one who is offering it, trusting in His ability to work through us to fulfill His purposes. We are living in a Kairos moment today.
The Charismatic Presence of the Holy Spirit in the early church is needed now more than ever before. Who He is and how He works and why do we so desperately need Him today is the question which comes during times like these in which we live today?

A fresh revelation and a deeper insight of our great need for each of us in our own personal lives to have communion with Him.
We believe that working together in unison under the leadership of Jesus Christ, we will be honoring the appeal of the apostle Paul when he said: “May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity amongst yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 15:5-6).
Jesus prayed in the upper room with His disciples that last night: “May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.” (John 17:23) This same Holy Spirit in church history even prior to the reformation is still leading us into all truth, counseling us, comforting us and blessing us each and every day.

A Kairos Moment for Those Who ‘Understand the Times’
1 Corinthians 14:8 says, “If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” Paul warned us – now is our personal Kairos. Like the men who “understood the times” (see 1 Chronicles 12:32), we are called to understand our times and seize the moment.
In Latin, the word opportunity means “toward the port”. In the ancient world, seaman used it to describe the time when the tide and winds were favorable to make it safely to port. When that moment came, they would set their sails to take full advantage of it. In the same way, when God is at work, as He is now, we must “wake up” to that opportunity, set our sails to His favor, and ride in His boat, using the wind and tide.
The outpourings of the Holy Spirit are alive and well in the second millennium A.D., from the Byzantine to Rome and even through the great awakenings in America.

The Holy Spirit anointing is not an inalienable gift, but a conditional gift. Its presence is continued and increased by the same process that secured it at first – unceasing prayer to God. We must count all else loss and failure without it. His holy oil only fills praying hearts.
Prayer is the sole condition to maintain this anointing…this anointing pervades the heart and convicts the conscience and breaks the heart. There are now rumblings of the Spirit’s outpouring as in the promised latter rain as never before as the Lord arises for the sake of His own name infusing His bride with a habitation of His Holy Spirit, where there is no fear of calamity or anything as they enter into His rest.

The Greatest Move of God in History
The time has come for each of us; we have been called to seize the moment! We are at the threshold of the greatest move of God in our time. Though the “time of God’s favor” has been generously extended to all people in all times through the cross, church historians have noted that there have been specific seasons of God’s increased favor through history.
Scholars use terms as outpouring, awakening, movement, and revival, to describe those unique periods when God bestows His grace and power in unusual measure upon a people to extend his Kingdom on earth. Anything other than a Nineveh type move of repentance will not move us forward in the battle for the soul of our nation and or any nation.
We must seize the moment. Carpe Diem! Seize the Day! Seize the God-given opportunity. The scripture says God will “do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20). However, for that to happen, we must be men of action who are ready to respond by faith to what God has initiated.
As Paul said, we must “be very careful, then. How we live-not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15-16).
Learn more about The Return: National and Global Day and Movement of Prayer and Repentance at
The Return sacred solemn assembly will take place September 26, 2020 on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., but will be centered on 10 days of prayer and repentance September 18-28.
Watch a message by Rabbi Jonathan Cahn (author of The Harbinger, etc.) about The Return at

Rev. Kevin Jessip, President of Global Strategic Alliance, is an advisor to national and global leaders within the business, political and faith communities. After attending North Central Bible College, Kevin traveled around the world sharing the Gospel. Over the decades, he has acquired a wealth of experience as an executive for one of the world’s largest publicly traded companies and has worked with faith-based outreaches. He now uses his skills as a catalyst for founding, developing, and funding organizations for Kingdom Impact. He’s currently spearheading The Return. He’s the author (with Prophecy Investigators Founder and Editor-in-Chief Troy Anderson) of the upcoming book, The Midnight Hour: The Power of Repentance to Spark Revival and Save a Nation. He lives with his wife in the Palm Beach, Florida area. Discover more at and
Soon such as the pope, Kissinger, Kerry will announce to the world that JFK is physically alive on earth and in miraculously good health.
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