The San Andreas Prophecy
By Kathy DeGraw
Is the San Andreas going to be one of the great earthquakes the Bible warns about in the end times?
In the spiritual realm, I have been continuously seeing people running around in chaos and confusion, not knowing which way to turn. I’ve seen this vision intensify over the past few months and increase to almost a daily vision over the past few weeks.
People turning to go left and they can’t, they turn to look back, and they can’t go back. They are turning their heads and bodies and can’t seem to figure out how to get away from the disaster that is happening all around them. There is no way to escape. Confusion and chaos have entered their souls, and they are circling around, not knowing which way to turn or how to proceed forward away from the destruction that is occurring all around them.
Visions of Piles of Rubble

A few weeks ago, I released a prophetic word on the chaos I’ve been seeing. I began to see piles of rubble about five years ago. I saw my friend (Prophecy Investigators Founder and Editor-in-Chief Troy Anderson) reporting in front of the rubble.
Over the years, I have continued to see destruction, buildings coming down, and now recently the earth cracking. The past three months, I’ve been experiencing these visions almost daily, and sometimes multiple times a day. People in chaos, not knowing which way to turn and where to head is the common vision I witness.
As I released a few weeks ago, I do think there is a correlation to our spiritual walk and the natural realm. It symbolizes where our spiritual lives are at, or, where they are not. I believe the vision I am seeing is a combination of us to get ready for what lies ahead, what is going to happen, and what awaits us; disaster.
In the Bible, it says, earthquakes will happen in the end times, and we know we are in the end times.
“Great earthquakes will occur in various places, and there will be famines and pestilence. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:11 MEV).

This vision has been so frequent and intense that I needed to start praying and discerning into it. As I prayed into the vision further and started to put the pieces together of what I saw, the San Andreas fault line came to mind.
Approximately five years ago, and multiple times a year, I can see the San Andreas fault line and an upcoming earthquake centered around the instability of the fault becoming a reality.
People were running around in chaos, not knowing which direction to head because everything around them is crumbling down and becoming rubble. I see mass confusion, screaming, and eyes opened in shock and awe. People unable to help people because of the collapse that is happening around them, and no one is prepared.
No one knows the way to safety. We aren’t prepared for this spiritually or physically, but we know the Bible speaks of destruction coming so what are we doing to prepare. This vision is intensifying. We need to heed the warnings God gives us as a call to intercession.
A Call to Intercession

The San Andreas is at a critical state and could generate an earthquake.
Seismologists are concerned, and some have even cautioned that an earthquake is eminent. One that would cause much chaos and destruction.
The Express, a British newspaper, ran this story on August 16 – “California earthquake: What is the Big One? Will it hit the San Andreas fault line? CALIFORNIA was rocked by more than 3,200 earthquakes over the last 30 days amid speculation of the Big One – but what is the Big One and will the earthquake erupt along the San Andrea fault line?”
The Washington Post ran this story on August 17: “A terrifying preview of ‘The Big One’ — a giant quake that may hit Southern California.”
The Lord revealed to me recently the destruction would not only be in California but economically it would impact the entire United States. Production and distribution of goods from California would have a ripple effect across the United States impacting all of us financially with rising prices of goods and shortage of items needed.

Shipments would slow down and cease, and products and goods produced from California would dry up cause’s shortages. This devastating pending earthquake would make a large impact in a negative way on the economy. It would also affect many people emotionally at the gross numbers of people who would be impacted and affected in a negative way. Depression would arise out of such destruction, causing suicides, family division, and business failures.
Pray for Tectonic Plates to be Stabilized

We have been alerted of the vulnerable state of the San Andreas fault line, but why aren’t we as intercessors rising to take authority over all things, including the earth, and commanding the plates to be stabilized and move together at the same rate. We should be praying against the stresses this fault line and tectonic plates are creating.
There is a spiritual preparation that needs to take place in our lives in order to live out in victory in the end times. There will be destruction, wars, natural disasters, and more chaos in our world, but what are we doing to prepare. Are we interceding against these natural disasters or accepting that they are part of our fate that nothing can be done about these pending events?

I keep hearing the Lord say, “Prepare for what is approaching.”
We are going to go through a difficult time before the Lord comes back. There are going to be many difficult things we have to endure. I keep hearing Him say to get rock solid strong and to prepare our soul and strengthen our spirits for what is going to approach. We need to build our faith and trust in Him so as these things come our way our faith is not shaken, and we aren’t in fear but are in trust.
‘Out of the Destruction Will Come Revival’

When I was praying about this recently, and what I see happening with the San Andreas fault, I heard the Lord say, “Out of the destruction will come revival.”
But now that we know the vulnerability can we pray in advance that revival comes first and that when the destruction comes, we are rock solid strong in our faith?
I believe we are going to feel a rumbling in the earth. A rumbling that we don’t want to feel, see or experience. I believe we are going to be surprised by what happens in the natural at the mass chaos and destruction that will occur, that will take years to rebuild.

However, what are we doing in the spiritual to minimize the chaos in our souls and on the earth? There is a call to intercession. A call to take authority over all things, including the earth. A call to speak out and declare that this fault stabilizes and that the activity that results in negative consequences ceases.
I believe God gives visions and warnings for a reason, but what are we doing with the information given?
It is a time to go forth and pray, intercede, and declare.
Prepare yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually for what is going to come forth as the end times continue to unfold.

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God, to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and Be Love Outreach. She is the author of several books including; Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Identity Invasion, Who is Speaking? and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook @ or visit